I began this amazing career 9 years ago and have had the pleasure of teaching more than 30,000 safe effective lessons during that time. I could not imagine my life without ISR, I love teaching, I love my families and I love empowering my students with the skills needed to self rescue should they happen to make it to the water alone.
I welcome the opportunity to include your little one on my list of ISR graduates.
Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death in children age 1 through 4, and this is why my personal goal is to spread the word of childhood drowning, reaching as many families as possible while conquering our objective of
“Not one more child drowns”
All ISR instructors are highly trained and must undergo strict recertification testing annually. We are academically trained and tested in areas such as child psychology, physiology, anatomy and behavioral science which helps provide the safest lesson possible to our students in addition to one hundred fifty hours plus of academic training and a minimum of sixty hours supervised in water training working with actual students. All ISR instructors maintain certification in adult, children and infant CPR and first aid.