NFL Jordan Hicks and wife Ivana know the importance of having ISR skilled kids. (pictured below)
Thirty-four months and able to swim-float-swim the pool length
Only twenty months and enjoying the pool with dad, mom and big brother
The Float Program teaches proper breath control, how to roll from a face down position to a back float and maintain this life-saving position until help arrives. Students are brought back at an older age to learn the complete Swim-Float-Swim sequence.
The swim-float-swim program teaches the above floating skills while adding an age appropriate swim, this swim-float-swim sequence will be carried out until a safe spot can be reached or an adult can get to and pull them from the water.
Eighteen months and learning his safe spots.
Maintaining and furthering your little ones self-rescue skill development is extremely important. Children grow and develop rapidly from infants to toddlers, and young children. This development process represents improved strength, coordination, and a more finely tuned cognitive ability. In accordance with this growth, previously enrolled students participate in refresher lessons, daily for three weeks, every six to twelve months.
Ten months and floating like a champ.
Nine months old and rolling onto his back to float after five short weeks.
This little girl could swim the width of the pool, get her safe spots and find her way out of the pool at two and a half years old.