Well I knew it was just a matter of time and it finally happened. Noles fell off the dock tonight. Jeremy was helping my mom off the boat and I was in the bathroom. He literally slipped between the boat and the dock. There were 7 people there. Nobody saw him fall, they just heard the splash. Had no idea where he went. Little man did his thing and swam right up. Scared him and grandma and Jeremy, but he was totally fine. I am not sure I would be able to say that if it weren’t for his time with Miss Jeannie. If you do nothing else for yourself and your children, teach them to swim early if you spend time at the lake or near a pool or hot tub. We started Nolan at about six months old. He’s three now, almost four. We’ve done multiple refreshers with Isr Spokane Jeannie Pearson since our first set of lessons and will be back again for another this fall. You never know when it will happen. Don’t let your child be a statistic.
Customer Testimonials
Today these two cuties both fell off of our dock, fully clothed, cowboy boots and bike helmets and all. They were leaning together to get a better look at a fish and fell into the deep dark pond water on top of one another, every parents worst nightmare.
Thanks to Isr Spokane Jeannie Pearson they leaned on their training and popped right up, floated on their backs and swam back to the dock. As a pediatric ICU caregiver I know all too well that the outcome could have been very different. Thanks to this amazing program our biggest worry was wet kids and fishing out lost boots. ISR is worth every minute and dollar spent on the survival swim lessons. Thank you Jeannie for what you do!
More Testimonials on ISR’s Splash Zone: https://www.infantswim.com/splash-zone/